WC Parents is an online Facebook community that has grown to nearly 14,000 members over the years. We share local info and events happening in Washington County (and the surrounding the areas) to help keep you informed of the many family fun events taking place. 

As a parent, you have to have a sense of humor or you just might go bonkers! So we like to share quirky memes on a daily basis, hopefully to get you to giggle (if not spit your coffee out of your nose). Parents need humor to survive parenting. It’s in the rules.

In addition to sharing local events, we like to talk anything education. So while we post news and updates about our own school system, we like to have conversations about education in general.

Throw in some cool recipes. neat craft ideas, and general parenting staples and you have, us.

 The link below will take you to our community on Facebook. You can also catch us on Instagram.

WC Parents– our main community

Welcome to WC Parents, we are happy you are here!




WC Parents has had a great many folks come through our doors. Sometimes we are having a nice chat about seasonal activities, and other times we can get a little feisty. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Either way, come on in- the door is always open. 



Plenty of good conversations happens on the back porch. Thoughts are shared, questions find answers, as we open up to one another. From helpful information to humorous stories, we all can relate in one way or another. Come read the commentary that local folks have been kind enough to share with us, and let us into their world for a bit. On our back porch, we will explore our community and learn a little bit more…


In our kitchen you will learn about Real Food, Real Fast. Come join the scores of people who are choosing to eat cleaner, while enjoying delicious meals with their family. The best part is- you can start your new home business journey with us and earn an income at the same time. When people try it, they are hooked.  It’s new, it’s fresh- it’s in our kitchen…



WC Parents is our online Facebook community with nearly 14,000 members. It’s where “the magic happens”.

In addition to the wealth of information shared and the goofy memes to hopefully brighten your day, we love to do give-aways and other fun stuff too! For example, each year, from December 1-12, we do our WC Parents 12 Days of Christmas where we give away something neat each day to the community! 

We would love for you to join us! As Ed Asner once said, 
“Raising kids is part joy and part guerrilla warfare”.
We parents need each other!